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Jeronimo Arango

          The event that I chose for my poem is 1848, Liberals vs Conservatives. I chose this topic because this conflict between these two different political groups affected Colombia a lot, it was like another war for Colombia and a lot of people died, only because one group had different ideas from the other. I really like this topic so that was one reason why I wrote the poem. I think the person who reads the poem would like it! I chose terza rima because that was one of the best ways to arrange my poem.


“They said someone will end up leading”


But it was the opposite.

Two groups with opposite ideas,with major differences.

The conservatives wanted to have a Colombia that would be colonial

The liberals wanted to reform colombia and make new laws.


There were many people killed only because different ideas.

Nothing was resolved.

And today everything is the same.

No one is leading.

Colombia is the same

And never is going to change!


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