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Juanita Londoño

          The event of the poem is the conquest of Colombia. The poem is told from the perspective of 

a native, telling everything that he experienced and thinked about the Spanish conquerors. This event 

is really important to Colombian history because this was the time in which lots of things were taken 

from us, one of them, gold. Also it is really important because it represents a big part of history 

because it happened when the Spanish wanted to take everything and change everything to make it 

their own. That is why it is really important when Colombia finally called the independence. This 

event tells us lots of things that make sense to the world right now, for example, Why do we speak in 

Spanish?; Because when the Spanish came and conquered, they left and taught their own language 

which we have by now. I chose to write terza rima because I think it's the best way to make poems 


“The Conquest”

The monsters of darkness came

Taking everything they saw.

We were full of shame

But had to follow the law.

They were gods at first

And ripped my jaw.

Through the worst

Full of thirst.



We died

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