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Camila Jaramillo

     This poem is about a new character on Sesame Street that has autism. Her name is Julia, and my rhyming poem is written in her perspective. This topic is very important and has a great impact in the world because it is a way to teach little kids about differences and that they are not bad. This also teaches everyone to not discriminate. Also, through these new episodes with Julia, everyone is going to be able to learn about autism.




Hi, I am Julia

I'm red haired green-eyed

Elmo, Codabby and Grover

Are like the apples to my pie


I am new on Sesame Street

"The new girl with autism"

I'm here to teach you

About different people


Stop bullying kids

We are just the rain on a sunny day that makes the rainbow

Invite us to play

Don't let us feel foolish, Don't let us feel sad


Just because we have autism

Doesn't mean we are bad

For you autism

Can be just a word

For us it is a life

That we are trying to solve


Be patient with us

'Cause yeah!

We are different


Visit me on Sesame Street

See what I mean

See my friends, my family

And of course, me!


With them I feel different

But not as a bad thing

I feel being different

Is wonderful indeed


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