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Mariapaz Buitrago

Salomé Arango

The topic that I choose for my poem is the soda companies that want their drinks to be addictive. The perspective of my poem is from a young girl because I think that if people realize that this is written by a girl, they will drink less soda. This event is important to the world because people need to know that soda is like drugs, addictive. I chose to do my poem in free verse because I personally think that it makes more sense.

What I like the Most

Coke, Coke, Coke, mostly in U.S.A,
youngers than olders, singles than married,
Coke is everywhere.
I love Coke is delicious but it feels like floating in the air
It is bad because it is addictive like drugs.
Coca-Cola and Pepsi
I love it but I can't drink
I am young, why to me?

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